May 01, 2020
Beltane Musings
Behold the earth in you, and around you.
Joyous Beltane! It's been comforting to me, celebrating the steadfastness of nature. And so begins the active & fiery part of the year! Today marks the tipping point between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. Seeds are sprouting and birds are chirping-it's a magical time in the natural realm.
Smack dab in Taurus season, Beltane reminds us about celebrating the pleasures of the physical realm. It's all about love & growth! Together the Yang Sun & Yin earth cast a spell of fertility-nourishing the land for an abundant summer. The height of spring reminds us to plant, sing songs, and bask in the beauty of Nature-nourish ourselves so we can flourish in summer.
Wishing you a blessed Beltane. Light a candle, adorn an altar with fresh flowers, indulge in a lavish dessert, sow seeds, read a love poem aloud. Beltane is a time to treat yourself like the goddess you are!
Here is some Beltane magic in the making. 🌸✨ I've had a blast preparing an Elder flower & Amethyst Beltane Essence. This has been steeping the eve, dawn, and day of Beltane and activated near a ritual fire. Potent magic! I'm so excited to offer this flower & stone essence to the store. Use to activate creativity and connection with the natural realm. I'll write a more in-depth post about this soon.

with light,
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