Living in Harmony with the Seasons: Winter
Winter is for us, as it is for Nature, a time for internal focus, rest, tending our reserves and gathering strength for the year ahead so we can develop and grow. The energy of winter calls us to embrace the essence of what is important to us ~ nourishing our body and spirit, gathering strength, inner peace, and wisdom for what lies ahead.
Suggestions for Living in Harmony with the Seaons: Winter • Get more rest • Use the energy of the season to discover more about yourself through reflection, reading literature that “restores the spirit,” being more aware of your senses, paying attention to your dreams. The winter season is an especially good time to begin the practice of meditation. As the weather cools and the body needs to generate more warmth, include more cooked foods and complex carbohydrates in your meals. Try dishes made with whole grains, squashes, beans, peas, and root vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and garlic. Winter evenings are an especially good time to rejuvenate and deepen relationships with those closest to you. Keep gatherings simple and relaxed. • Feed your adrenal glands • The kidney is the organ associated with winter in Tradition Chinese Medicine. Points on the kidney meridian are nourishing to the body and spirit. Our favorite herbs to take around this time include: astragalus root, hawthorn berry, eleuthero root, schizandra berry, albizia bark, and rhodiola. Winter is the perfect time to boost your overall vitality. As we strengthen our internal reserves by living in harmony with the season, we can prepare ourselves for the energy and growth of the new year.