Rose and Crown Apothecary
Lavender hydrosol
Crafted in our copper alembic still with fresh, fragrant organically grown lavender flowers. This is an apothecary favorite and flies off the shelves. If this is calling to you, I recommend you snag a bottle while it's still available. The beauty with hydrosols is they can only be created with fresh, vibrant plants brimming with rich aromatics. I like to think of hydrosols as a fragrant distilled flower essence. The lavender flowers were generous and allowed us to collect a substantial amount of essential oil during distillation. This mist can be used as a pillow spray before bedtime to help lull you to sleep, as a refreshing tool to ease tension when working on a computer, as well as a cleansing and soothing facial toner (great for those prone to acne). It truly smells like fresh cut lavender from the garden. Available in 2 oz. and 4 oz sizes.
Contains: Hydrosol of lavender flowers* (Lavendula angustifolia), filtered well water, and high quality vodka (to prolong shelf life). Not for internal use.